Thread Rules

All threads must be properly tagged.

Each and every time you have a thread that needs modding, you must post a link to your thread in the Mod Call box. If you do not, we will not mod your thread!

You may have a maximum of three total Solo threads at a time, and only one Solo Journey thread at a time. You may only have up to three concurrent Journey threads. You may participate as a Traveling Companion in any number of other characters’ Journeys.

When you are ready to close a thread, you must indicate so in the OOC notes of your final post. Then, post in the Mod Call box to let us know your thread is complete. Afterward, a Content Moderator will post thread rewards, then lock and archive your thread. Rewards may be taken as soon as the final mod post is made.

A thread can have multiple thread tags, but only one tag type per category - except for Stackable tags, which a thread can contain as many or as a few as the player desires. Tags and tag types are detailed below.

The first post of every thread should include the following:

Your active Pokémon party, including levels and Energy for each of them. Other details may be optionally included.

Any relevant, thread-specific details, such as a link to the appropriate Job or Quest, tags for other characters who will also be participating, and any deviations from normal rules for threads of that type (examples include adjusted spawn rates, Pokémon lists for Gym encounters, expectations for Injury-enabled threads, etc.)

As long as the above information is there, this will greatly assist Content Moderators with efficiently moderating threads.

Tag Types

Each thread has four different types of thread Tags that can apply to it. Each type and each option for the type are all listed below.


Open: Anyone can join Open threads. If you set a thread as Open, you are inviting other characters to participate in your thread and interact with anyone there.

Closed: Only the list of characters invited in the first post can join Closed threads. If you set a thread as Closed, you are indicating that this is a private thread; while others are welcome to read it, they cannot participate.


Solo: Solo threads only have one player: the character who created the thread. These are meant for character development and solo adventures. A character can have only a total of three concurrent Solo threads. Any threads that explicitly require the character to be solo (usually Quests, but can also be Jobs) do not count against this limit.

Social: Social threads are geared toward social interaction. These can be in any location on site, including towns, cities, event locations, routes, etc. They are threads that contain at least two characters and are focused on social interaction. By default, a social thread is unmodded. However, if your characters want a chance at encounters, you can tag the thread with Journey as well.


Journey: Journey is the most common type of adventure thread in Ageos. While primarily used to get from point A to point B, it is not the only purpose. Journeys are also the primary way to encounter wild Pokémon and Trainers. While these threads are often done with minimal modding, it is possible to have random events. See the Moddable tag farther down to learn more.

Discovery: Discovery threads are closer to a traditional Tabletop experience than other threads in Ageos. By filling out a form located in the Expeditionary House, you can leave Content Moderators a prompt of what kind of adventure you would like to go on. The Content Moderators will then direct the character through a unique, guided adventure. Discovery threads, like Quests, often have exotic and unique rewards attached to them. Each character is only allowed to have one Discovery thread at a time. There is a hard limit of two characters per Discovery thread, and a soft limit of 15 posting rounds. However, if you liked a particular Discovery thread and want to do another one where the previous left off, you can start a Discovery Chain, which will typically increase rewards, as well.

Job: Job threads are about odd jobs your character takes on for fun and profit (mostly profit). They vary widely in length, from just a few short posts to many longer posts. Jobs can be open to anyone, be Class-specific, or be Faction-specific. The list of currently available Jobs is located in the Help Wanted thread on the Notice Board.

Quest: Quest threads are like Job threads, but work toward a specific task. They are often longer and more involved than Jobs, but have exotic and often unique rewards. The only way to promote through the various Class Ranks is to complete a specific Quest for each one. The list of currently available Quests is located in the Aspring Adventurers thread on the Notice Board.

Training: Training threads take place exclusively in the Training Grounds. They take place in a secured area ideal for trainers to practice new things with their Pokémon, at minimal risk. A wide variety of practice is permitted in the Training Grounds. For further information, please read the Training Grounds Rules thread.

Event: A wide variety of site events will use this tag. They can range from a road block on a particular Route to something completely site-encompassing. New event threads will always be advertised in Site Announcements, both on the site and in the Discord server.

Battle: Battle threads are for PvP battles between players. Once the first post has been created, you will need to Mod Call to seek approval for your battle. Battles can last as long as is needed to determine a winner. After the battle is over, you must Mod Call again to let Content Moderators know. The battle thread will be closed, after which you will exchange rewards as agreed upon. If any of the wagers involved Pen, that must also be specified in your Mod Call. Staff will then post changes to levels and HP for both players’ teams. The following information must be included in the first post of a Battle thread; any threads that are missing any of the below information will be rejected:

The number of Pokémon per side.

Whether or not held items are allowed.

If freeform, who the premeditated winner of the battle is.

Any wagers that were agreed upon prior to the battle.

Both players involved in the battle must make a post with the profiles of each Pokémon being used. These can either be directly copied from the PC or listed separately in the thread. All standard Pokémon information - including ability, type, level, moves, and stats - must be listed.


Moddable: This Tag can be applied if you would like a chance for Discovery-like random events to occur in your thread. This can only be applied to Journey and Social threads. While it is not guaranteed you will receive random events, this lets Content Moderators know you are okay with your thread potentially being interrupted with Discovery-like prompts. It can be as simple as changing weather conditions to something involving site plot.

Tag-Enabled: This thread Tag means you are okay with spawned Pokémon containing Status Tags or pre-existing ailments. In the context of a Pokémon, a Status Tag is a roleplaying restriction that is applied to a specific Pokémon, which can usually be overcome by meeting a condition. Note that there are no rewards for overcoming Status Tags - they’re just a roleplaying opportunity!

Tag: This Pokémon is belligerent and refuses to submit to its trainer’s direct control. It cannot be trained as a Ride Pokémon until it gains ten levels from defeating other Pokémon in battle.

Tag: This Pokémon demands its trainer’s full attention and affection. At the start of every Trainer battle, this Pokémon will hug its trainer instead of doing battle unless it passes an Obedience roll of 30 or higher. This Tag can be removed by keeping the Pokémon outside of its Poké Ball for one entire thread.

Tag: This Pokémon cannot control its sweet tooth. This Pokémon refuses to battle unless it is fed a sweet-tasting Berry once per thread page. This Tag is removed after being used in four threads.

Injury-Enabled: This thread Tag means you are okay with your character or Pokémon being Injured. This can range anywhere from something minor, such as a cut or sting, to something as serious as a broken bone. Of course, the worse the Injury, the less likely it is to occur.

In both Tag-enabled and Injury-enabled threads, you can add to your first post a list of things you do not want to see (examples: “No broken bones” or “Nothing permanent, please”), as well as a list of vague suggestions (examples: “Only minor injuries, please” or “Hurt me plenty”).



Once a thread has passed 15 posts, it becomes eligible for rewards. All players’ posts are included, as well as any staff posts. All players who actively post in the thread are eligible for thread rewards. The next page of rewards for an individual thread will be at 25 posts, then every 15 posts after that. Effectively, to reach the next page of thread rewards, the thread must reach 10 posts of its current page (total posts 25, 40, 55, etc.)

The universal rewards, based on page count, are as follows:

• 100 Pen, plus 50 Pen for every page beyond the first.

• A number of Rare Candy equal to the sum of all the page numbers. For instance, 3 total Rare Candy for 2 pages, 6 for 3 pages, 10 for 4 pages, etc.

• One random item of any rarity per five pages.


Social threads in towns and cities have their rewards doubled.

Journey threads receive an extra Rare Candy and a random Poké Ball per page.

Discovery thread rewards are determined on a per-thread basis.

Event and Quest rewards will usually (but not always) be included in the thread’s info post.

Any special thread rewards will have their reason for being awarded denoted in that thread’s final staff post.

- Introduction
     Site Rules
     Warning System

- Plot & Setting
     Map of Ageos
     Travel Rules
     Setting FAQs

- Characters
     Character Rules
     Starter Pokémon
     Character FAQs

- Advanced Class Guide
     Challenging a Gym
     Performing in Contests
     Breeding & Hatching Eggs
     Secret Bases & Crafting
     Farming & Growing Berries
     Cooking & Making Poké Balls
     Committing Crimes

- Advanced Skill Guide

- Advanced Power Skills Guide
     Power Skills
     Novice Power Abilities
     Adept Power Abilities
     Expert Power Abilities

- Pokémon
     About Pokémon
     Obtaining Pokémon
     Service Pokémon
     Abilities & Moves
     Mega Evolution & Z-Power
     Cosmetic Changes

- Battling
     Player vs. Self
     Modded NPC vs. Player
     Player vs. Player
     Health & Energy

     Thread Rules
     Tag Types


Any time you need modding, post here with a link to your thread and a brief description of what you need done.
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